$t_stream(_loading)įunc _soundArrayFill(): # fill array if empty and check for empty values (what am i doing wrong here?) If Input.is_action_just_released('_interact'): # if array empty on button release, reload itįunc _soundLoader(): # load sound from array If Input.is_action_just_pressed('_interact'): Var _preloadArray = įunc _ready(): # here the array fills with exported values, ignore the prompt, that's workingįunc _process(_delta): # listen for input every frameįunc _soundTrigger(): # listen for input I don't want to have to write this code for every item that uses it.
I have tried loops to remove empty strings and other things and it continues to plug in the empty values. (Think the piano sounds at Bioshock's opening menu).
Essentially, if a 'slot' in the array is empty, I want to remove it before the load. I am exporting six values to fill this array but don't need all six slots each time (using this code across multiple objects that won't all need six sound files). I have an array of sounds that trigger, one at a time, from an array of loads.